Pet Dental Health Social Media Images

For our veterinary colleagues, we hope you’ll feel free to use some of our new AVDC shareable graphics on your social media channels. You can download any of the following images and to use in posts to help your clients learn the facts behind anesthesia free pet dental cleanings and the importance of veterinary dental cleanings and professional […]

Printable Pet Oral Health Fact Sheets

It is our goal to provide our veterinary colleagues resources to help educate their clients about the importance of annual veterinary dental care and choosing a professional dental cleaning over the anesthesia free dental cleanings that pose a risk to their pet’s long term oral health. You are welcome to download an print any of the […]

FAQ’s about Pet Dental Cleanings

What is an Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleaning?

Dog showing clean mouth

You might have heard about anesthesia free dental cleanings from a local groomer, pet store, word of mouth or even some veterinary providers. Commonly known as anesthesia free dental cleanings, the practice involves scaling (scraping with an instrument) of a dog or cat’s teeth without putting the pet under anesthesia. Veterinarians often refer to the […]

What is a Professional Veterinary Dental Cleaning?

As a pet owner, you have your pet’s best interest at heart and want to make the best choice for their care. When choosing your pet’s dental care, be sure to learn about a comprehensive veterinary dental cleaning, also known as a professional dental cleaning, and its long term benefits for your pet’s overall health. […]

Risks of Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleanings

Risk of Anesthesia Free Dental in Dog

“Anesthesia free” may seem to most like a less risky procedure for your dog or cat than a veterinary dental cleaning under anesthesia. Of course we all love our pets and are nervous about the idea of them going under anesthesia. However, when it comes to pet dental health, the risks of periodontal disease and oral […]

Pet Periodontal Disease

Often we forget that animals are susceptible to the same kinds of diseases as humans, and in some cases even more so. This is the case with periodontal disease. In fact, periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition affecting adult pets, despite the fact that it is almost entirely preventable. What is periodontal disease? […]

Stages of Pet Periodontal Disease

It’s important to know that there are multiple stages of pet periodontal disease and without proper veterinary dental exam, cleaning and radiographs, there is no way to know if your pet’s oral health is at risk. Use the tabs to learn about these stages of periodontal disease and the various treatment necessary to treat each. […]

Reasons not to Choose Anesthesia Free Dentals for Your Pet

Risk of Anesthesia Free Dental in Dog

Those that provide Anesthesia Free Dentistry or No Anesthesia Dentistry (NAD) would like you to believe by removing visible tartar from the teeth they are improving oral health. This is just not the case and the AVDC wants you to consider the following reasons not to choose an anesthesia free dental for your pet: Scaling […]

Links for Your Website

Please consider using the following links on your own website to help educate your pet patient families about proper dental care for their pet and the risks associated with Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleanings they might otherwise consider. Pet Periodontal Disease Facts about Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Services Reasons Not to Choose Anesthesia Free Dentals […]

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