Summary of some of the signs that may indicate periodontal disease
• Bad breath
• Flinching or pulling away from you when you try to look at the teeth
• The lips of your pet may quiver
• Dogs may growl and snap and cats may hiss because they are in pain
• Red, swollen gums
• Tartar build up
• You can see the bulge of the crown which is usually hidden from view
• You can see the roots of the teeth which are always covered by bone and gums
• Open wounds on the face under the eye, on the lower jaws, in the mouth
• Ulcers in the mouth or lips
• Rubbing the face on carpets and furniture
• Sleeping a lot, decreased activity, poor appetite, dropping food and hard treats
• Bone and the roots of the teeth SHOULD be covered by the gums.
• If you cannot see the roots or bone, your vet cannot either so X-rays are needed to see what sort of condition the bone support around each tooth is in.
• Bone loss cannot be seen without intraoral X-rays. The stage of periodontal disease is based on the amount of bone loss present.